Archimedes Palimpsest MD5 Read Me File WHAT THE MD5 FILES ARE Each image and XML data file in the Archimedes Palimpsest Digital Release is accompanied by an MD5 checksum file. This file is used to check the integrity and authenticity of the corresponding data file. It has a name that, except for the file extension, is identical to the data file it accompanies. For example, the TIFF image file * 069r-068v_Arch09r_Heiberg_ultraviolet_stitch_beta.tif is accompanied by the MD5 file * 069r-068v_Arch09r_Heiberg_ultraviolet_stitch_beta.md5 The content of this file is (all on one line): f11dc15e9ac2ed66c94fd853965d25dd \ 069r-068v_Arch09r_Heiberg_ultraviolet_stitch_beta.tif If a single byte in the input file is changed, then it will have a different MD5 checksum. HOW TO USE AN MD5 CHECKSUM A file's integrity is checked by running an MD5 utility on an input file and comparing the generated checksum against the checksum stored in its MD5 file. Common MD5 utilities are 'md5' and 'md5sum'. A list of MD5 utilities is given below. The following example shows a checksum comparison using the command-line utility 'md5' on the Mac OS X operating system. This directory listing shows the MD5 and TIFF files. [095v-090r]>ls 095v-090r_Arch43v_Sinar_pseudo_no-veil.md5 095v-090r_Arch43v_Sinar_pseudo_no-veil.tif The cat command outputs the content of a file, in this case the MD5, to the screen. [095v-090r]>cat 095v-090r_Arch43v_Sinar_pseudo_no-veil.md5 e02df965870fcbb2a247d10827cec44d 095v-090r_Arch43v_Sinar_pseudo_no-veil.tif The MD5 file contains two values: the 32-character checksum and the name of the input file. The md5 utility is run on the TIFF file to generate a new checksum: [095v-090r]>md5 -r 095v-090r_Arch43v_Sinar_pseudo_no-veil.tif e02df965870fcbb2a247d10827cec44d 095v-090r_Arch43v_Sinar_pseudo_no-veil.tif An comparison of the MD5 file with the checksum output shows the two checksums are identical. (The '-r' flag tells md5 to format the checksum in this, more or less, standard form.) MD5 UTILITIES Most MD5 utilities are command-line tools that are run from a console, like a DOS prompt or Unix terminal window. Most allow you to generate a checksum, as shown above, to compare visually to a stored checksum. The following list of tools is for users' convenience. These tools have not been tested by the Archimedes Palimpsest Project and no guarantee or endorsement is intended by this listing. Windows Graphical User Interface Tools * WinMD5 * MD5 Summer Command-Line Tools * MD5sums for Windows * md5sum is also available with the Cygwin Windows Linux utilities Mac OS X Command-Line Tools * md5 (Console tool) Included The APDR MD5 files are in a common format: a single line with checksum followed by a space and then the filename. The format of different utilities' output depends on the tool and how it is used. It cannot be guaranteed that the APDR files will conform to the format expected by automated verification tools. MORE ABOUT MD5 The MD5 file is a checksum that contains a 32-character hash value that can be used to confirm the integrity of the corresponding TIFF file. The details of the one-way MD5 hash algorithm is described in the Internet standard RFC 1321. This document is included here as rfc1321.txt. It is also available at: * * In short, MD5 is one-way hash algorithm for generating a 32-character value based on the byte structure of an input file. This value has a very low likelihood of being the same for any two input files. For the file 069r-068v_Arch09r_Heiberg_ultraviolet_stitch_beta.tif the MD5 hash value is * f11dc15e9ac2ed66c94fd853965d25dd